Total Heating Total Control to be switched off
Many storage heater owners are on a Tariff called Total Heating Total Control (THTC). This is an old tariff which is no longer available to customers of OVO energy, (formerly SSE or Scottish Hydro).
Many storage heater owners in the tariff have the on off times of their storage heaters controlled by a Radio Teleswitch (RTS). . Basically a receiver in you meter cupboard get a radio signal which tells it to turn on or off your storage heater. More detailed info here .
The radio signal will be switched off on the 30th June 2025. This will mean if left, many storage heater owners will be unable to control the switching on or off of their storage heaters. More here

However , work is well underway to change tariffs and switch customers to smart meters to avoid this happening. If your concerned about your meter and storage heaters , contact your energy supplier.
Here is an older link to a charity website, changeworks , which has a detailed report on THTC
More current info info at citizens advice here
Maybe this is a good opportunity to consider changing your storage heaters to something more modern and more energy efficient. Most of the thousands of our German heaters we have supplied over the last fourteen years have been to people, fed up with the inefficiency and high running costs of their storage heaters .
Is this a good time for you to change?
More info here